TBMN is a citizen science program of Zoo Knoxville to monitor butterfly population trends on managed lands across Tennessee. We strive to connect butterfly enthusiasts with public lands, help land owners manage their properties for the benefit of pollinators and inspire the public to enjoy and protect butterflies and other pollinators.
Tennessee Butterfly Monitoring Network
Coordinator: McGaffin, Steve
Program Started: 2013
Institutional Affiliation: Zoo Knoxville
Institution Type: Zoo
Species Focus: All butterfly species

Protocol Type: Tagging, Field trip, Restricted search, Pollard
Data Type(s): Abundance category
Survey Focus: Adults
Incidental Data Collected: Weather, Habitat notes
Visit Frequency: Biweekly
Effort Tracking: Time spent monitoring each route and route distance are recorded.
Protocol Notes: Each route must be monitored at least seven times from April 15th to July 31st, at a minimum of once every two weeks. Earlier and later surveys are encouraged. Route length varies but must be at least 30 minutes and less than two hours at a strolling pace (approx. 1 mph). All butterflies within 20 feet to each side and in front are recorded during surveys. Observations are recorded by habitat type.
Additional Notes: Other programs the TBMN offers include butterfly forays for the public in late spring to early summer and monarch tagging programs in the fall.