The Ohio Lepidopterist Society has been monitoring sites throughout Ohio since 1995.
Ohio Lepidopterists Monitoring Network
Coordinator: Wiedmann, Jerome
Program Started: 1995
Institution Type: Naturalist Organization
Data Availability: Contact Jerry Wiedmann
Species Focus: All butterfly species

Protocol Type: Restricted search, Pollard, Transect
Data Type(s): Abundance
Survey Focus: Adults
Incidental Data Collected: Weather, Host / nectar plants, Habitat notes
Visit Frequency: Weekly
Effort Tracking: The amount of time spent on each route is recorded.
Protocol Notes: Routes are established and subdivided into up to 15 sections. Sections may be separated by habitat, but similar habitats are not lumped into the same section (like Illinois). Routes are walked by volunteers who record all butterflies seen in front and to the side, up to ~5m from the observer. All adults are recorded.
Program Results
Wepprich T. 2019. Statewide butterfly monitoring by volunteer recorders in Ohio reveals a persistent decline in abundance, so what can we do? News of the Lepidopterists' Society 61(3):128-130.