Co-coordinated by Phillip deMaynadier, Ron Butler, and Herb Wilson, the Maine Butterfly Survey was a 10-year citizen science project that officially ended in 2015. Approximately 24,416 butterfly records were tallied by 407 contributors. Project Coordinators are currently collaborating with the Maritime Butterfly Atlas to publish an Atlas of the Butterflies of Maine and the Maritimes, likely in 2020.
Maine Butterfly Survey

Program Results
Calhoun, JV. 2017. Notes on historical butterfly records from Maine. Part 2. News of the Lepidopterists' Society59(23):128-133
Calhoun, JV. 2017. Notes on historical butterfly records from Maine. Part 1. News of the Lepidopterists' Society59(2):76-83
Gobeil, RE, and RM Gobeil. 2016.Notes on the status and distribution of the Wild Indigo Duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae (Forbes), in Maine. News of The Lepidopterists' Society 58(3):142-144
Gobeil, RE, and RM Gobeil. 2016. A survey of butterflies found at a wastewater treatment facility in Sanford, Maine (York Co.). News of The Lepidopterists' Society 58(1):24-27
deMaynadier, PG and RP Webster. 2009. Boloria frigga saga (Nymphalidae), a significant new record for Maine and northeastern North America. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 63(3):177-178