2nd Data Management Workshop for New Database (PollardBase)

2nd Data Management Workshop for New Database (PollardBase) to allow data entry and management of pollard-based monitoring schemes

Location: Peggy Notebaert Museum, Chicago, IL

Participants: Doug Taron, Karen Wilson, Allan Lawrance (IL-BMN), Tad Yankoski (MO-BMN), Sarah Garret (CO-BMN), Jutta Burger (Irvine Ranch Conservancy), Regina Rochefort (Cascades Butterfly Project), Leah Morgan (Northeast-BMN)


Groups planning to use our new system PollardBase, gathered to be trained on the database and give feedback. The system, launching April 1st allows volunteers to enter surveys directly through a web portal and for directors to manage and share data. In the future, we will add visualization and download tools for the public.