Get Involved!

Whether you want to help butterfly populations, learn more about these charismatic creatures, or contribute your own time or resources, there are many ways for you to get involved.

To support butterfly populations:

  • Plant native plants! Butterflies need their native host plants for food as caterpillars, and nectar plants for food as adults. Help feed the butterflies, whether in a pot on a balcony, a backyard, or supporting gardens at local parks and facilities. For more resources, contact your local Master Gardener program. No garden? No problem! Many local organizations would be happy to have help with their gardens! You can also look for local volunteer efforts for restoring native habitats or removing invasive species.
  • Don't use pesticides! Insectides, including neonicotinoid-treated seeds, harm butterflies and other native wildlife.

To provide financial support:

  • Connect with your local butterfly monitoring network for how to support work in your area.
  • Donate to support our work through Georgetown University. Select the "Other" designation and specify "NABMN (PI Leslie Ries, Biology)".
  • Join an association such as NABA, Xerces, or a regional Butterfly or Lepidopterist group.
  • Advocate for science funding.

To help us gather information: